Why Dental Camps Are Not So Fruitful?

The very 1st marketing advice that we get after starting the medical or dental practice is “Conduct a Medical or Dental Camp”.

Since I started my career as a Practice Marketing Consultant, I have helped and still helping 100s of doctors across the globe to streamline & scale up their practices. In this decade-long journey I tried many things to help my clients market their practice effectively.

One thing I have realised is that the medical or dental camps are not so effective nowadays, Do you know why? There are multiple reasons why camps don’t work in the majority of the cases.

The very first reason is that today the information about any medical problems is available at your fingertips. Over the last 20-25 years the healthcare facilities have improved to a great extent and one of the signs is that now specialists are available even in small towns. People are more concerned about their health and don’t neglect it completely. In addition to this the per capita income has also increased. So those having any medical problem simply Google it and consult the respective doctor, they don’t wait for any medical camp.

The second and the most important reason is that people know the fact that in medical or dental camps what you get is a Free Consultation & Check up but the treatments are not free… So the only people who visit camps are those who are not aware or lack money and have medical problems and I can prove this to you.

Would you attend any medical camp yourself as a patient?

Be honest… Very rare chances… and that’s obvious. Majority of those who are reading this blog would probably never attend a camp as a patient because 👉 You can afford to pay fees of a private doctor.

👉 You don’t have time to wait and stand in queue.

👉 You need qualitative treatments & personalised care.

The majority of people choosing healthcare camps are needy. They have enough time but not enough money. What most private practitioners offer in camps is consultation, check up and advising treatments, may be at subsidised charges. But they forget that these patients can’t afford treatments even at the subsidised charges. So they either don’t turn up in the clinic or don’t go ahead with the treatment….

This is the reason why Dental Council Of India has permitted only the Government Hospitals and Non profit organisations to conduct camps as they can offer the treatments for FREE. So, now you know why Camps don’t work.

Now let me share how you can make it very effective as well as ethical.

One of the most common objectives why doctors conduct camps is because they want to increase the number of patient footfalls in the practice. If you change your objective behind conducting a medical camp from increasing patient footfall to educating people then it can work wonderfully for you…

There are various ways to do it and you can learn it in my exclusive training program for doctors “BLUEPRINT”

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